Titko Tetiana

Titko Tetiana

Titko Tetiana, Ph.D. in Pharmacy, associate professor.

Scopus 39262447300

Publons AAD-1997-2019

Orcid 0000-0003-4305-3674

Google Scholar ohCDcQsAAAAJ

Education: National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv (2005).

Career: laboratory assistant of the Medical Chemistry Department (2005-2006), assistant of the Medical Chemistry Department (2005-2010), post-graduate student of the Medical Chemistry Department (2006-2009), associate professor of the Medical Chemistry Department (since 2012 to present).

PhD thesis: «Synthesis, physicochemical properties and biological activity of sulfo derivatives of 4-methyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline-2-ones» (2010).

Field of scientific research: the purposeful search of the new drugs among derivatives of heterocyclic compounds.

Scientific and methodological achievements: author of more than 55 scientific and methodical publications, including 18 scientific articles in professional foreign journals and professional scientific journals of Ukraine, 4 patents on methods of obtaining of the compounds with diuretic activity, 25 abstracts of conferences, coauthor of the textbook «Pharmaceutical analysis» (2016), «Compendium of tests on pharmaceutical chemistry» (2012), articles in the Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia, lectures for students of the specialty «Pharmacy» and «Technology of Cosmetics and Perfumery», programs, methodical recommendations and tasks on pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry.


Сertificate of honor of NUPh for many years of diligent and fruitful work, contribution to the development of scientific and educational potential of the University and medicinal chemistry department on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the founding of the department (2019).


Teaching disciplines:

Pharmaceutical chemistry,

Standardization of drugs

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