International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, May 18, 2023


Ministry of health of Ukraine
Ministry of education and science of Ukraine
National university of pharmacy
Pharmaceutical chemistry department
Medicinal chemistry department
General chemistry department
Analytical chemistry and analytical toxicology department

International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, May 18, 2023
International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, May 18, 2023 International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, May 18, 2023 International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, May 18, 2023 International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, May 18, 2023




Dear colleagues!

We kindly invite you to take part in the International Internet Conference ‘Modern chemistry of medicines’, which will be held on May 18, 2023 (Certificate of the State Scientific Institution ‘Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information’ No. 550 dated 19.12.2022).

Please send the materials prepared in accordance with the requirements by May 1, 2023 via the registration form.


Implementation of the achievements of pharmaceutical science in the practice of the pharmaceutical area of the healthcare sector, analysis and generalization of new theoretical and applied results obtained due to the scientific research in the area of medicinal chemistry.

During the conference, it is planned to:

  • discus new scientific and practical results of the application of modern approaches to the development of new medicines;

  • exchange opinions and search for new priority areas of scientific research in the are of medicinal chemistry;

  • expand the scientific cooperation between educational and scientific institutions, enterprises of Ukraine and abroad;

  • discus prospects for implementation of scientific research in educational activity.

As part of the Conference, the section ‘First steps in science’ is planned, in which reports of students of higher education institutions, colleges and secondary education institutions of the I-III degrees will be presented on the subject of the Conference.

Lectures, master classes, webinars and round tables are planned during the Conference.


  • molecular design and synthesis of new biologically active substances;

  • pharmaceutical analysis and standardization of medicinal products of industrial and pharmacy production;

  • development and optimization of methods of quality control of medicines, dietary supplements and cosmetics;

  • phytochemical research and standardization of medicinal plant raw materials;

  • chemical and toxicological analysis;

  • chemical aspects of pharmacological research;

  • analytical support of modern pharmaceutical development;

  • organizational approaches to ensuring the quality of medicinal products;

  • pharmaceutical education in Ukraine and the world: chemical vector.


Scientists, specialists in the medical, pharmaceutical and chemical areas – master’s students, doctoral students, teachers of higher pharmaceutical and medical educational institutions, employees of pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical firms, students of higher education institutions, colleges and secondary education institutions of the I-III degrees.


Part-time (only publication of abstracts), remote participation. According to the results of the Conference, the participants will receive a Certificate. The conference materials (book of abstracts and certificates) will be posted on the Conference webpage.

Participation in the Conference and publication of abstracts are free!

To participate in the Conference, it is necessary to fill in the registration form and attach a file in *.doc or *.docx format by May 1, 2023 (one registration form should be filled in for each abstract, regardless of the number of authors).

The results of registration, review and acceptance of materials can be tracked via the link.


Ukrainian, English.


The name of the file is given in the language of the abstract according to the surname of the first author: Kryskiv.docx. If one author sends several abstracts, you should add a number to the file name: Kryskiv1.docx and fill in the registration form again.


The title of the work is given in CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS; on the next line indicate the surname and initials of the author (authors), below – the full name of the institution, city, country; below is the email of the author for correspondence. The main text is given through an empty line. The presence of tables, diagrams and figures is allowed (grouped objects, wrapping – in the text).

Abstracts should contain: introduction, purpose, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions.

The abstract of the ‘First steps in science’ section can be theoretical or review.

Design requirements

Abstracts (1–2 full pages of A4 format) without page numbering, prepared in the Microsoft Word editor (at least 2003) in a file with the extension *.doc or *.docx; all fields are 2 cm each; font Times New Roman, 14 pt; line spacing – 1.0; interval before and after paragraphs – 0 (absent); paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm; alignment by width; transfers are automatic. The language of abstracts is Ukrainian or English, with proper grammar and spelling.

Chemical formulas and schemes are presented in the form of drawings, mathematical formulas – using the built-in Microsoft Equation editor, drawings – in *.jpg, *.png or *.tiff format.

Abbreviations in the title of abstracts are prohibited; the abbreviation is noted after the first mention in the text and is not changed throughout the work; the SI system of units should be used.


Vlasov S.V., Severina H.I.
National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Introduction. Text …
Purpose. Text…
Materials and methods. Text …
Results and discussion. Text…
Conclusions. Text…


Alla KOTVITSKA – Rector of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Head of the Organizing Committee;

Andrii FEDOSOV – First Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the National University Of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee;

Inna VLADIMYROVA – Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the National University Of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee;

Viktoriya GEORGIYANTS – Head of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee;

Lina PEREKHODA – Head of the Medicinal Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;

Iryna ZHURAVEL – Head of the General Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor;

Serhii KOLISNYK – Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Toxicology of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;

Oleg KRYSKIV – Associated Professor of the General Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, associated professor (responsible secretary);

Serhiy VLASOV – professor of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor;

Ilya PODOLSKY – Associated Professor of the Medicinal Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associated Professor;

Nataliya SMYELOVA – Assistant of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences;

Halyna HRYHORIV – Assistant of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences;

Margarita SULEYMAN – Associated Professor of the Medicinal Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associated Professor;

Ihor BYLOV – Associated Professor of the General Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associated Professor;

Olena KOVALSKA – Associated Professor of the General Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associated Professor;

Oleksandr MASLOV – Assistant of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Toxicology of the National University of Pharmacy.

Responsible secretary:

PhD, assoc. prof. Oleg KRYSKIV



Mykola HOLIK – Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the National University of Pharmacy, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Toxicology of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;

Hanna SEVERINA – Associated Professor of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Olha HOLOVCHENKO – Associated Professor of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Olha MYKHAILENKO – Associated Professor of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Natalia BEVZ – Associated Professor of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Olga ANTONENKO – Associated Professor of the General Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Alla KOVAL – Associated Professor of the General Chemistry Department of the National University of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor.

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